

When you look at the pictures of Aimee Mullins, who has built a career as a model, actress, activist for women and who competed at a national and international level as a champion sprinter, you may find it hard to believe that she is handicapped. Aimee Mullins was born without fibular bones and had both her legs amputated when she was an infant. She learned to walk on prosthetics, then to run on them, setting world records at the 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta. She double-majored in history and diplomacy at Georgetown's School of Foreign Service.Then she did some modelling, working for Alexander McQueen and then turned to acting, appearing in M.Barney's 'Cremaster'. 

She is a passionate advocate for a new kind of thinking about prosthetics (by the way, she has 12 pairs of them for different occasions). She challenges the definitions od physical beauty and ability and defies conventional public mindset. What makes her so strong? How come that some individuals are able to overcome their adversities, to achieve success and even become role models for others? In this project, devised for students of English at teacher training colleges, we will study the cases of people like Aimee Mullins in order to answer these questions.