

Research result 
( the amount and quality of information and materials found)
The required materials haven't been found.
Some materials have been found but they are incomplete and insufficient for the assignment.
Most of the materials have been found but not all suitably selected for the task.
All the necessary materials have been found to complete the task.
(selection of information, correctness, creativity)
The topic treated superficially; information badly selected; many content and language mistakes; lack of creativity.
The topic dealt with correctly but with no elaboration; not all materials used; some language mistakes; litttle creativity.
The topic worked up well, with details; most of materials used, with individual insight and creativity; few language mistakes.
The topic dealt with in an extensive and elaborate way; selected materials logically used with individual insight and a lot of creativity; perfect language use.
Presentation of the results 
(style and form; aesthetic impression)
Presentation unattractive, chaotic, inadequate to the  content, hard to understand. 
Presentation not very original, a bit disorderly, only partly adequate to the content; some parts hard to understand.
An interesting presentation, orderly, adequate to the content; understandable.
A very attractive and original presentation, extremely orderly and adequate to the content; understandable and attention getting.
Quality of the   web page
Web page unattractive in terms of design, layout and neatness.
Web page acceptably attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness.
Web page interesting in terms of design, layout and neatness; particular sections in order; easy navigation.
A perfectly designed web page, extremely attractive in terms of layout, graphic elements, etc; easily navigated
Team work  (delegation of responsibility, group coordination, group timeline)
Group needs the teacher's help to develop a timeline; they cannot cooperate; some students don't participate in the realisation of some aspects of the project.
Group independently develops a timeline but they cannot fully cooperate  and not all the students participate in the realisation of some aspects of the project.
Group independently develops a timeline describing when most parts of the work will be done; they can cooperate and most of the students participate in the realisation of all the aspects of the task.
Group independently develops a reasonable, complete timeline describing when different parts of the project will be done; perfect cooperation within groups and between groups; all the students are involved in the work on different aspects of the task.


20-19 pts - 6.0

18-16 pts - 5.0

15-13 pts - 4.0

12-10 pts - 3.5

9-5 pts - 3.0